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How to earn online 1.0

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WARNING: Please do not fall prey to the sites which are asking to pay registration fee for providing work from home jobs as 99.99% of them are scam sites.
Legitimate sites never ask you for money in return to providing work.

                                    ONLINE EARNING


Image result for money falling while doing work

1.What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the most profitable way to make money online. Well, it’s the practice of recommending a companies products or services to potential customers, generating a sale and earning a commission in return.
The process of affiliate marketing generally involves four parties: the affiliate website, the affiliate network, the advertiser and the buyer.

How to earn on Affiliate Marketing?

An affiliate marketer promotes specific products or websites in exchange for a cut of the profits or commissions from the web traffic he generates.
for example : Amazon.com
After Signing Up the Amazon associate account you can get links of products you want to promote, so, you can advertise them any where you wish. Then they'll give you comission on the promoted product which is sold out

2.What is Blogging?

Blogging is discussing or publishing some accurate information on the Internet about various categories like politics, electronics,.etc trough discrete, often informal diary-style text entries.
Blogging first started as a way to have an online personal web log, in which a person would journal about their day. From "web log" came the term "blog."

How to earn on Blogging?

It, starting from nothing, along with my step-by-step playbook for beginners trying to get started.
Let’s jump in.

  • Choose a Profitable Blogging Niche
  •  SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Blog promotion
  • Grow Your Email List with Pop Ups
  • Use Social media
  • Generate a huge traffic

Traffic is the heart of a blog
As you get many viewers on your blog you'll get Google Adsense approval.
Then they start advertising on your blog and they pay for them

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- techgeek                                                                         

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